Introducing the Staking Mastery Program.png

The Staking Mastery Program is a new initiative designed specifically for those passionate about advancing Ethereum staking adoption through education and advocacy. This program equips aspiring Staking Masters with a suite of resources to share Ethereum staking knowledge within their favorite communities.

The purpose of the Staking Mastery Program is to help scale the ability of Obol to further its mission to secure, scale, and decentralise Ethereum staking with distributed validators (DVs).

Whether you're a seasoned community leader or a newcomer eager to make a difference, there's a place for you in our program.

🎓 What’s a Staking Master?

In ancient Greece, masters were esteemed for their expertise and their role as mentors. A master would guide an apprentice through rigorous training and intellectual development. They often led workshops or guilds. This master-apprentice relationship was fundamental to the transmission of skills and knowledge in ancient Greek society.

We're empowering the next generation of masters for staking, the Ethereum Staking Masters.

Much like the master craftsmen of ancient Greece, these individuals will help inspire, educate, and mentor aspiring home stakers to run distributed validators, the most secure and accessible way for individuals to run stake today.

👀 Our Vision for 2024

Staking Masters are crucial to the Obol mission, providing the backbone for high-quality staking education and expanded community outreach.

The goals of the Staking Mastery Program are as follows:

💡Program Highlights and Benefits